Think Global

Hmm, globe, sphere, 3-dimensional solids. Geometry, cosines damn but we hated geometry in trig class, didn’t we? It hated us in Calculus, yes it did.

Why can’t we Think Cubical? I’ve always been pretty square. But no, eventually that gets us right back in the cubicle farm, doesn’t it?

Tetrahedron! Now that’s a good classic geometric solid for you. But don’t leave the pointy little buggers lying around on the floor in the dark, owch! Tiny caltrops, just waiting to pounce on big, clumsy bare feet.

Octahedron, now we’re talking, good stuff Maynard. But those eight-siders were so rarely used, just sucking up loads of space in the dice bag.

My favorite, of all time: Dodecahedron. 12 sides, constructed of pentagons. I made one with poster board and tape once, for some school project or other. It was the très kewlness, a much better time than those other Platonic solids.

And twelve different points of view to look at the world, unlike that Sphere.

Of course some smartass will surely point out that Icosahedron fans have even more viewpoints. Indecisive bastards!

So don’t think Globally. Think Geometrically!

And let your nerd flag fly.

parkinkspot sq logo

“Think global, act local.” Write a post connecting a global issue to a personal one.

Nerd. That’s my personal issue, I’m guessin’.

3 thoughts on “Think Global”

  1. Well done! We have a variety of dice. My husband used to be a serious gamer. My husband tells me they have a die with 100 sides. The highest we have is 20! That’s pretty good, huh? I have no idea what that’s called.

    1. Zocchihedron is the trademark of a 100-sided die invented by Lou Zocchi, which debuted in 1985. Rather than being a polyhedron, it is more like a ball with 100 flattened planes. It is sometimes called “Zocchi’s Golfball”.

      20-sider is an Icosahedron,

      Feeling nerdy now? I sure am!

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